Miss Forbes’s Summer of Happiness

When we came back to the house in the afternoon, we found an enormous sea serpent nailed by the neck to the door frame.

Source: Márquez, Gabriel García “Miss Forbes’s Summer of Happiness.” In: Strange Pilgrims. Translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman. Alfred A. Knopf 1993 and Penguin 1994.

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current affairs

In The Atlantic article “When your child is a psychopath,” Barbara Bradley Hagerty investigates the symptoms, causes, and treatment options of psychopathy in children. (…)


Barbara Bradley Hagerty "When your child is a psychopath." Atlantic, June 2017. [🔗] and [🔗]


  1. Who do you think killed Miss Forbes? What markers in the text support your answer?

  2. Can you think of instances in which one intends to harm another person wrongfully through one’s actions, but, either, no harm comes about, or the harm comes about via a completely different route?

  3. Is one culpable in such instances? If so, is one equally culpable as when one would have actually brought about the harm?

  4. What, according to The Atlantic article, causes psychopathy in children? What other symptoms are associated with psychopathy? What do you think of the treatment option of focusing on rewards rather than punishment?

  5. Do you think that psychopaths can be held morally responsible for their behaviour?

  6. Do you think that the two young children fit the description of a psychopath? Does Oreste?